The Anxiety Fix


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What If You Could...

  • Wake up ready to take on the day without anxious thoughts flooding your mind first thing.
  • Feel calm and collected throughout the day without feeling out of control, stressed out and overwhelmed. 
  • Be at peace within your own life.
  • Be at-ease in your relationships and not feeling irritable and short all the time.
  • Not have your mind racing all the time and be able to be present.

You're an overachiever, perfectionistic, people-pleasing woman who is trying to do all the things to create the best life possible for your family...but not so much yourself.

You're working so hard, but struggling with anxiety and panicky on an all-too-often basis. 

Fortunately, there are strategies that you can learn to help manage anxious thoughts, prevent panic attacks, build confidence, handle fear-based thoughts, and create a richer, more meaningful life for yourself while being their for everything and everyone in your life.

The Anxiety Fix is designed to help you learn tips, tricks and proven strategies to radically reduce anxiety in a holistic, drug-free approach. I know that it can be stressful to even figure out which treatment protocols to do for anxiety and this course lays out effective ways for your chronic anxiety to be a thing of the past.

If this sounds familiar, The Anxiety Fix is your answer!

The Anxiety Fix is open for registration!

The Anxiety Fix was built to identify your sources of anxiety, detail the causes and effects associated with these sources of anxiety, and finally, provide life-changing solutions.

Act fast for a limited time discount price of $69!

Let's help you finally gain control over your anxiety and reduce your stress levels. 


What To Expect:

During this 6 week program, you'll get everything you need to ditch the anxiety and start feeling like yourself again!

We are going to cover the following topics together:

  • The root causes of anxiety
  • How to change your mindset toward your own stress and anxiety
  • Action items for when anxiety strikes
  • Supplements that work well for anxiety
  • How to use journaling an an effective anxiety-reducing strategy
  • How to get to know your triggers 
  • The strategies I use to prevent anxiety



About Ali Damron

I'm a wife, mother to two boys, a licensed acupucturist and certified personal trainer.

Throughout my professional experience, I’ve worked with many people that come from a variety of backgrounds. Whether they are stay-at-home mom’s, busy professionals, couples looking to get pregnant, my sole focus is to help them achieve the life they strive for in a natural, healthy approach.  

I specialize in women’s hormonal health including anxiety, fatigue, periods, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopausal symptoms.  

Providing natural approaches to healing and getting women looking and feeling their best is what I love to do.

Testimonials From Women I've Helped Improve Their Life

"I love working with YOU! Seriously not only have this helped me so much recover who I was before having kids and driving myself into the ground, but I find this subject matter so interesting and eye opening. It feels like home for me since I've always been one to look for a way to heal myself before accepting medications or treatment options suggested by Western practitioners. You are truly a breath of fresh air!"

"Ali has helped me reduce my anxiety significantly with all her tips and care. I used to wake up everyday feeling anxious and wonder how I was going to get through the day especially caring for my little kids. I took Ali's advice and did her suggestions and now I am much more calm, playful with my kids, and enjoy life so much more!"

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much you've helped me on my journey with anxiety. I suffered with it for decades and I never thought it would get better. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know!"

"Thanks to you, I feel calm and balanced now. I was struggling with anxiety, fatigue, overwhelm and beating myself up daily for being a "bad" mom. I have pulled myself out of it and feel like I see the light now. I am so happy with this progress thanks to you."

"I'm so thankful for this program and the time & effort you have put into helping us live our best life. I'm seeing changes in my health and I'm thankful for that. I know I'm heading in the right direction. Thank you so much!"

So, Friend, What Are You Waiting For?

You deserve to feel calm & be present in your life.

You can permantly change your relationship with stress and anxiety. 

You can move out of your comfort zone with where you're stuck.

You can be present in the moment instead of stuck in anxious thoughts.

You can effectively manage uncomfortable feelings and thoughts.

You can become more confident.

Let's Do This Together!

Join The Anxiety Fix for the limited time price of $69 and experience all the benefits of reducing your anxiety, learning how to manage it and change your relationship with stress and anxiety forever. Let’s help you find your energy, balance and confidence once again!  

Friend, let’s help you finally ditch your anxiety, stress and overwhelm!